Sunday, December 6, 2009

Task 8:

I’ve chosen three of his creation called stunningly harmful songs; endings eventually end; and between treacherous objects.
His website seems a cluster of colour and sound everything is on your face; It is more like Japanese website where they have high quantity of colours and information on their web pages.

How does it make you feel?
It was unique experience for me, however certainly not very positive. I appreciate his work and the effort he puts in to his work but it lacks a sense of poetry and art. His website appears to be full of terminologies, which I didn’t understand.

What does it makes you think about?
I think it should be more organised and meaningful. It lacks the creativeness and artistic flair of poetry. However, it is a new concept and as we know world is full of people who appreciate alternative creativeness and art. It might be to the taste of certain people but not me. I think it is good to watch for fun but certainly not in same category as poetry.

What are the other media forms that it uses, or is similar to?
It uses flash videos, which are very easy to watch online and combination of music and different windows, which makes it an interesting experience.

If we accept that Jason's workers poetry - How do you "read" digital poetry like that?
It is more of a visual and written things not exactly poetry but it was easy to understand. There were few scary things such as doomsday countdown, which really put me off. I think it’s very easy to read and understand digital poetry through computer screen.

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