Sunday, December 6, 2009

Task 7: Politics and the Internet

Sign an e-petition.
I have signed e-petition against war in Iraq on
 Respond to a professional blogger at a major news site.
I have responded to professional blogger Tim Blair on daily telegraph website.
I think global warming is a Myth, human contribution to CO2 level are very low as compared to other sources of carbon emission and it is earth’s natural cycle that temperature goes up and down after some stage. So I think increase political focus on global warming as biggest killer of the planet is a futile issue.
 What is Barak Obama up to today?
Barack Obama is pushing his health care reform legislation in US, which has received lot of criticism from experts on the topic and opposition. The President’s Democratic Party passed health reform legislation by a narrow margin. This to me appears to be very radical movement because he is taking away right of the people to control their own health. Psychological assessment of young children and taking right away form the parents to make choices about medication is against democracy of the nation.
 Find out who your local, state and federal representatives are.
Local representative:
The Hon Arch Bevis MP for Brisbane city from Australian Labour Party
the list of State and Federal representative can be found on above link:

 Look up the Queensland or Australian hansard to find the last time your local member spoke in parliament.
I could not find the information about his latest speech in parliament; however, I have found some information about his first speech in parliament which was at 10/5/1990.

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