Sunday, December 6, 2009

Session 3: Tutorial - Scavenger Hunt Questions

Part 1:

 1.    What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?
I used yahoo7 as my search engine, for the first question I typed Alan Turing Clothing Bletchley Park, I have used the first search result it gave me accurate information.

Alan Turing was untidily dressed, good quality clothes mind, but no creases in them; he used a tie to hold his trousers up.
2.    On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?
I typed time line of computer communication in search engine and the first item in the list was from the website Webopedia gave me full timeline of the computer communication and I found Oct. 1965 was the date of first Network Experiment: Directed by Larry Roberts at MIT Lincoln Lab, two computers talked to each other using packet-switching technology.

3.    What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?
I typed Bill Gates biography in search engine and I got and article from Microsoft website to find his birthday. He was born on 28th October 1955. For the second section I typed in Bill Gate’s first software sale in yahoo7 and found that he sold his first commercially developed software for $3.000 and royalties in 1975.

4.    Where was the World Wide Web invented?
This was pretty easy I just typed in whole question in search engine and the first item on the list specified that World Wide Web was invented in the European Organization for Nuclear Research. I found this information on following website.

5.    How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago?
I typed in evolution of computer in search engine. It gave me list of history of personal computer. The computer thirty years ago were from third generation (IC) and fourth Generation (microprocessor) computers. They were big and cost too much, in contrast, personal computer now a days are very affordable, compact and easy to use.

6.    What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?
To find answer for this question I typed in record for largest parsnip and the first item on the list took me to website, which stated the weight of larger parsnip ever grown is 8 lb 6 oz according to Guinness Book of World Records.

7.    When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?
I typed in Birth of Queensland on yahoo7 search engine and it came up with list of suggestions. I chose fourth item on the list and it says On 6 June, Queen Victoria signs the Letters Patent, approving Queensland be established as a separate colony from New South Wales, with its own representative government.

8.    What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954?
I typed in Queensland Cyclone in 1954in search engine Yahoo7. I chose the first item in the list, which took me to the website of Australian Government Bureau of Meterology. This website suggested that south east Queensland suffered from major east coast tropical cyclone on that day.

9.    Why is is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice?
I typed in Lord Byron in Venice in search engine Yahoo7 and it came up with history of Lord Byron. He was one of the foremost English Romantic Poets. He contributed to the romantic genre through his poetry and his life. Because of his contribution to literature and time he spent in Venice he is still remembered in Venice.

10.    What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?
I typed Sirhan Chapman musical band in search engine Yahoo7, it came up with the list and I chose the first item in the list. It took me to revolution rock website, which was the name of the band he played in. He was reluctant to give his real name.

part 2:
Search engine use key words that we type in the search box and rank the most relevant stuff as first on the list. There are some advantages of getting too much information and also some drawbacks. Some web pages does not contain the full details of the items typed in search engine, in contrast, some has more details. Thus the web pages with more details and relevance appeal to me. Google and Yahoo are my favourite search engine, they always provide me with relevant information. I love Google because It has various application such as books, images, scholar and maps.

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